The greatest risk to your retirement success is the income tax you have to pay. Most of us are not aware of how devastating it can be to our finances, especially when you don't know how to avoid DOUBLE TAXATION. Getting it wrong can cost MILLIONS in lost opportunity. Yes. Millions. Learn about 'Dollar Doubling', minim
See how The 'ADVANCED FINANCIAL FREEDOM PLAN™' has already cut John & Linda's Income Taxes by over 30% and increased their Net Wealth by over $197,000! ...and see how we could easily do the same for you.
As tax planners, we engineer various strategies and tax efficiency planning that allows you to truly take control of your income taxes with the long term in mind! The 'ADVANCED FINANCIAL FREEDOM PLAN™' is a strategically developed tool for wealth development.
See how The 'ADVANCED FINANCIAL FREEDOM PLAN™' has already cut Eric & Jane's Income Taxes by over $1,000,000 and increased their Net Wealth by $3,000,000! ...and see how we could easily do the same for you.
Unrecognized Fact: Taxes aren't set in stone. We CAN take strategic control of how much income tax, and the timing of the taxes that we pay, and such control can have a dramatic impact on our financial future and wealth for multiple generations.
See how The 'ADVANCED FINANCIAL FREEDOM PLAN™' has earned Michael $1 Million dollars in lost wealth, despite being already retired! How much lost wealth are you missing out on?
If I ask most folks if they have a strategic tax advisor or a tax preparer, most acknowledge they hire tax preparers. Some work with financial advisors but their primary goal is supposed to be to help you make smart money decisions over the long haul. But are either of these really the best option?
When it comes to managing wealth, we all know that better investment returns = more money. Most of us also understand that reduced investment risk = more wealth safety. But usually we can’t have them both...until now.
Worried You'll Lose a Bulk of Your Retirement Savings to Taxes? What if There Was Another Way to Protect Your Money & Lower Your Income Taxes? Get the Case Study & discover how the 'ADVANCED FINANCIAL FREEDOM PLAN™' can help you save - or earn life changing wealth!
What does TaxPlanForWealth mean for your retirement?
66%* of Americans believe they will outlive their retirement savings, 78%* fear not having enough money to meet their financial retirement needs. With the correct Tax Planning & Roth conversion strategy, you have the potential to drastically save on your tax bill, save money for retirement after you're past your retirement age (as long as you remain within income limits) and keep 100% in control over your money forever.
What if you already have a financial advisor?
Most advisors are not trained & credentialed in taxation as we are. Even those that might suggest a Roth conversion cannot state with specificity when is the ideal time, what are the ideal amounts each year, and how such conversions will impact your wealth with an audit trail to substantiate it. Furthermore, advisors have an inherent conflict of interest in making such recommendations that can be difficult to overcome.
What if you earn a good salary - Do you need this plan?
Some folks are okay paying more in income taxes than required, but most are not. Wealth creation is not always about what you earn, it is more importantly about what you keep. The quote we like to use: “Some mistakes you only get to do once”. After that, it is too late to repair. We want to prevent you over-paying your taxes and permanently impacting your wealth.
When do you need to take action?
With the current tax bill currently in effect only going through 2025, taxes are currently “on sale”. To further complicate that, a political party that gained control of one branch of government has vowed to undo the tax sale.These plans will often require multiple years for a best case scenario, so the time to plan is NOW.
FREE! Tax Saving & Wealth Discovery Call
Worried you'll lose a bulk of your retirement savings to taxes? Want to see if there is a possibility of a tax free retirement? Book a call and we'll talk to you about the right way to protect your money, lower your taxes and maximize your wealth!
We've cut our clients, Eric & Jane, Income Taxes by over $1,000,000 and increased their Net Wealth™ by $3,000,000 - what can we do for you?
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Tax Advisory Services offered through The Tax Plan for Wealth, Inc. Tax Plan For Wealth, Inc does not provide investment advice. Should you request information about services including financial planning or investment advisory, those services may be referred to as an affiliated business. Please refer to for more information. We always suggest you seek professional advice. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investing involves risk including loss of principal. The information provided is not directed at any investor or category of investors and is provided solely as general information about products and services or to otherwise provide general investment education. None of the information provided should be regarded as a suggestion to engage in or refrain from any investment-related course of action as neither National Securities nor its affiliates are undertaking to provide you with investment advice or recommendations of any kind. Every family's set of details bring a unique outcome, therefore these opinions should not be relied on for your unique circumstances.
Securities and Variable Insurance Products are not offered by Tax Plan for Wealth, Inc. but may be made available via our affiliate, Assured Concepts Group, Ltd. Such offerings are made through National Securities Corporation Member FINRA/SIPC. / Advisory services provided through National Asset Management, Inc. (NAM), a SEC Registered Investment Advisor; a copy of NAM’s Brochure is available at NAM’s website: National Asset Management. National Securities Corporation (NSC) is a full-service brokerage firm, operated primarily through independent registered representatives. Accounts are carried by National Financial Services LLC, Member NYSE/SIPC, a Fidelity Investments® Company.
Check the background of the financial professionals at Assured Concepts Group, Ltd. on FINRA's website: BrokerCheck
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